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Agnieszka Trzcińska, 29 marca 2012 :

Szanowni Państwo,
Na prośbę Kolegów z Krakowa przekazuję informację o konferencji w Zakopanem.

Z pozdrowieniami,
Agnieszka Trzcińska

Szanowni Państwo!

Mamy przyjemność zaprosić Państwa do udziału w kolejnej, 47. Zakopiańskiej
Szkole Fizyki - Zakopane Conference on Nuclear Physics, która odbędzie
się w
dniach od 27 sierpnia do 2 września 2012.

Prosimy o przesłanie do nas za pośrednictwem strony www konferencji lub
elektroniczną streszczeń seminariów i posterów, które pragną Państwo
zaprezentować w Zakopanem. Zgłoszone propozycje seminariów i posterów będą
rozpatrywane przez konwenerów sesji odpowiadających za program naukowy
konferencji. Wybrane seminaria zostaną zakwalifikowane do prezentacji w
odpowiedniej sesji a postery prezentowane bedą w specjalnej sesji

Wszystkie osoby zainteresowane udziałem w konferencji prosimy o wypełnienie
formularza rejestracyjnego na stronie www

Z serdecznymi pozdrowieniami,

Bogdan Fornal
Maria Kmiecik
Wojciech Królas

*Zakopane Conference on Nuclear Physics
*"Extremes of the Nuclear Landscape" *

*August 27 - September 2, 2012*
*Zakopane, Poland*

Second Announcement and Call for Abstracts*

We are pleased to announce the forthcoming Zakopane Conference on Nuclear
Physics, "Extremes of the Nuclear Landscape” which is to be held in
Poland, on August 27 - September 2, 2012.

The conference is organized jointly by the Institute of Nuclear Physics
of the
Polish Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Physics of the Jagiellonian

Details and updated information about the meeting can be found on the
web page at

*Conference program:*

The scientific program of the conference will be composed of topical
each of which
will be led by a convener:

“Direct reactions and halo nuclei”, Thomas Aumann (Darmstadt)
“Nuclear spectroscopy with novel techniques”, Faiçal Azaiez (Orsay)
“Nuclear reactions around the Coulomb barrier”, Lorenzo Corradi (Legnaro)
“Nuclear structure in astrophysics”, Michael Hass (Rehovot)
“Evolution of the nuclear structure in neutron-rich nuclei”, Robert
“Modern approach to shell-model and beyond”, Morten Hjorth-Jensen (Oslo)
“Collective modes in exotic nuclei”, Adam Maj (Kraków)
“Frontiers of nuclear structure theory”, Witold Nazarewicz
“Nuclear structure near the proton drip line”, Robert Wadsworth (York)
"Exotic geometrical symmetries in nuclei: Selected new results"

Each session will include a few invited talks (duration of 20 to 30
minutes) and
contributed seminars (duration of 15 minutes). One of the evenings will be
devoted entirely to
the poster session.

*Call for abstracts:*

Authors willing to present seminars and posters are encouraged to submit
abstracts of their work using the abstract submission form on the
conference web
page. Deadline for submission of abstracts is May 31, 2012. Seminars and
will be selected based on the abstracts by a selection panel composed of
session conveners. Authors of selected abstracts will be notified by
June 15, 2012.


We are prepared to accommodate up to 180 participants. Participants will be
housed in two conference hotels “GeoVita” and “Antalowka” in Zakopane
in a distance of 50 m from each other).

The full cost of participation (including accommodation and full board)
is 2400
PLN (for double room accommodation) or 2800 PLN (for single room
These amounts include a conference fee of 500 PLN. The cost of
participation for
an accompanying person is 1700 PLN. After July 15, 2012 a 400 PLN
surchange applies.

The participation fee also covers the bus transfer from Kraków to
Zakopane and
back on the first and last day of the conference, social events
including guided
excursions to the Tatra Mountains and the conference dinner.

*Registration and payment:*

Please register to the conference using the registration form on the
web page. Deadline for registration is June 30, 2012. However, as the
number of
single rooms available is limited, and the general number of
participants is
also limited due to the space available, we encourage you to register early.

Payments can be made by money transfer to our bank account or using a
card. Please check the conference web site for payment details.

*Associated events:

*Mini-workshop "Predictive capabilities of nuclear theories" will be
by Witold Nazarewicz and Adam Maj on August 25, 2012 at IFJ PAN Kraków

Mini-workshop "Physics with the new 230 MeV proton cyclotron in Kraków"
will be
organized by Adam Kozela, Maria Kmiecik and Witold Meczynski on
September 3,
2012 at IFJ PAN Kraków (contact:*

Important deadlines:*

Abstract submission - May 31, 2012
Speakers notified - June 15, 2012
Registration - June 30, 2012
Early payment - July 15, 2012

*Contact information:*

Bogdan Fornal - chairman of the conference
Wojciech Królas - scientific secretary
Maria Kmiecik - managing director

Phone: +48 126628202
Fax: +48 126628423


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